Common COVID Questions
Your first point of call to see a doctor when needing medical services in the Nerja and the surrounding area.
At Nerja Medical Center, we provide services for General Medicine, COVID Testing, and Lab work. We also want to be an up-to-date resource of information related to COVID. The common COVID questions and their answers are provided below. If you have questions or think you may have COVID, please contact us and schedule an appointment.
Nerja medical center is a certified COVID 19 Testing Center, offering Fast Lateral Flow Antigen tests and PCR testing. All tests are issued with a fit-to-fly certificate in English and Spanish.
What types of COVID tests are there?
COVID-19 tests can be divided into testing for an active infection (currently infected) or past infection.
Active Infection
To look at current infection we use a viral COVID test. There are two mains types of tests:
- COVID Antigen test (lateral flow tests)
A sample can be taken using a nasal or mouth swab or using a sample of your saliva. We have special Antigen and PCR tests for those that don’t like invasive tests and for children.
Past Infection
To look to see if you have had COVID we use an antibody test. Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose a current infection and are not accepted for flights. This type of test involves taking a small blood sample.
Talk to our medical staff to find out which COVID test best suits your needs. Nerja Medical Center offers all of these tests during the week and also on Saturdays and Sundays.
When should I get a COVID test?
You should have a COVID test if you have experienced the following:
- If you are experiencing symptoms compatible with COVID, the main ones being Fever, Dry cough, and breathing difficulties, you may have COVID.
- If you have had close contact with a COVID-positive person (within 2 meters and over 15 minutes together).
In both of these cases, you should contact us to schedule a COVID test.
How to get tested for current COVID-19 infection?
Contact the Nerja Medical Center via our 24H phone line, send us an email, or WhatsApp.
Please state when arranging a test if it is for travel purposes or due to close contact or presenting with symptoms. If you test positive, you will have to self-quarantine at home for 10 days according to the Spanish Ministry of Health. If you develop a fever or any other symptoms please call the medical center before dropping by as we may be able to help over the phone without putting anybody else at risk.
The doctors and nurses at Nerja Medical Center have ample experience in attending COVID-positive patients. Dr. Ben Harry Clegg takes part as a fast emergency response medical doctor for the Spanish Emergency Services and has a lot of experience in attending COVID-positive patients in need of treatment at home.
All medical staff is 100% vaccinated.